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Devika Urban Co - Operative Bank LTD.
Udhampur, J&K



Ever since its inception, the Bank has been receiving good wishes of all the visitors by creating an impact on them. Lets have a look at the feedback they recorded with us:

  • 03-11-1998: It gives me immense pleasure to inagurate the first Branch of Devika Urban Cooperative Bank ltd. at Udhampur. I hope that the Management and other Officers of the Bank  serve the people who will come into contact with them with all sincerity, dedication and honesty. I wish the Management all success.

                                                                                               Jb. A.R Rather (Finance Minister, J&K Government)

  • 20-08-1999: It was pleasure to note the interest of the Board of Directors in running the bank. The bank has recently been started and the start appears to be quite satisfactory. I wish and hope that the bank would progress to the desired results.

          S.S Jaiswal

  • 22-12-1999:I am very happy to see the bank making progress. In very short span of time the bank has gained enough popularity and attracted number of people. The dedication and sincerity of the Directors and Management is excellent and its consistence will no doubt make this bank one of the best and the most acceptable bank  in Udhampur. My all good wishes are with them.

Mehboob Iqbal (DDC, Udhampur)

  • 28-12-2000:  On the very first sight I was pleased to find that the bank has started making commendable progress. The CD Ration also speaks quite high of its Management. The dedication ans devotion being inhibited by the Board of Directors is a real force that the bank is progressing in cooperative  sector and shall attain the zenith of glory. I pray for the success of the venture

(DDC, Udhampur)

  • 03-11-2001: Many many happy returns to the bank from my side,.It was very satisfying to know that bank’s credit flow, recovery, CD ratio and expansion is growing very fast. I wish all the very best for the bank and wish that the bank may grow faster now.

Shailender Kumar (DC, Udhampur)

  • 28-08-2006: Today I  visited the office of Devika Urban Cooperative Bank ltd. and had an interaction with the members of the Board as also the management of the Bank. I am delighted to observe that the bank has started its functioning on cooperative basis and is functioning quite succesfully for the last so many years. The accomodation for the Bank is however not sufficient to cater to the increasing activity of the Bank. However on the request of the Management, the District Administration shall explore possibility of further extension of  accomodation to the bank in the interest of serving the best interest of society.I wish the Bank and the Management all success.

O.P Kalandria (DC, Udhampur)

  • 20-08-2013:It gives me immense pleasure to see how the bank premises have been transformed to give it a modern look and make it a comfortable place for its management & employees. The initiative is praise worthy. I feel proud to have now become associated with this organisation. I wish the bank all the luck for future.

Yasha Mudgal (DDC, Udhampur)

  • 14-12-2013: Got occasion to visit the Head office of Devika Urban Cooperative Bank ltd. Udhampur. It is the real achievement of the concept of financial inclusion of general public of District Udhampur. This Bank is now flourishing under the Stewardship of Sh. Vikram Singh Slathia, Chairman on leaps and bounds. I hope the bank will create more assets in future by involving more and more citizens of the pheripheral area of District Udhampur. Really impressed by the management who have working culture without any external support or help.     I extend my heartiest congratulation and best wishes to the Chairman, Bord of Directors and to the staff for developing a financially viable banking system.

Khalil Poswal (SP, Udhampur)

  • 21-12-2013: Visited Devika Urban Cooperative Bank ltd. for administrative Inspection and found all records intact and in computerized format. Management has done an appreciative work in consolidation of record over the period. Hopefully the administration of the bank will take it to new heights in banking and transparency.

Qummer-Ul-Zaman Chowdhary (Dy. Registrar, Cooperative Department., Udhampur)

  • 26-04-2014:  Visited Banking institution and its nearby Branch today on 26th April 2014 along with Head Assistance of Banking & Finance, Dy. Registrar Cooperatives and found work of bank quite satisfactory and hope that banking institution may take effective steps in strengthening of the institution by computerization.

Anjana Tiku (Additional Registrar, Cooperative Department., Jammu)

  • 19-07-2014: Visited the Bank along with worthy Secretary, Cooperative Department , DY. Secretary and staff of Cooperative Department. All the officers were happy to see the progress & the effective steps being taken by the authority concerned. Our good wishes are all with the Branch heads, team and the officials. Hope that with the Co-operation of all , Devika Bank will definitely show profitability and other banks should follow the path and will work as per RBI Guidelines.

Anjana Tiku (Additional Registrar, Cooperative Dept., Jammu)

  • 19-07-2014:It has been a wonderful feeling to see for my self the Devika Urban Cooperative Bank take measured and guided steps in the direction of becomimg a self-reliant and a radiant financial banking entity. All this has been made possible by the selfless and seamless dedication of the Board of Directors as also the efforts of its CEO.
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